Thursday, September 3, 2020

Tale of Troy or Iliad - The Story Behind the Trojan War

Story of Troy or Iliad - The Story Behind the Trojan War During when divine beings were negligible and coldblooded, three of the main goddesses had a challenge to figure out who was generally wonderful. They fought for the prize of Eris brilliant apple, an apple no less hazardous than the one in the account of Snow White, regardless of its absence of consumable toxic substance. To make the challenge objective, the goddesses recruited a human appointed authority, Paris (additionally called Alexander), child of the Eastern overlord, Priam of Troy. Since Paris was to be paid by the largesse of the champ, the challenge was truly to see who gave the most appealing motivation. Aphrodite won pass on, yet the prize she offered was the spouse of another man. Paris, in the wake of luring Helen while a visitor in the castle of her better half, King Menelaus of Sparta, went gaily on his way back to Troy with Helen. This kidnapping and infringement of all guidelines of accommodation propelled 1000 (Greek) boats to take Helen back to Menelaus. In the interim, King Agamemnon of Mycenae, gathered the innate rulers from all over Greece to go to the guide of his cuckolded sibling. Two of his best men one a specialist and the other an incredible warrior were Odysseus (otherwise known as Ulysses) of Ithaca, who might later think of the possibility of the Trojan Horse, and Achilles of Phthia, who may have hitched Helen in the Afterlife. Neither of these men needed to join the quarrel; so they each concocted a draft-evading trick deserving of M.A.S.H.s Klinger. Odysseus pretended frenzy by furrowing his field damagingly, maybe with jumbled draft creatures, maybe with salt (a ground-breaking dangerous operator utilized by legend in any event one other time by the Romans on Carthage). Agamemnons errand person put Telemachus, Odysseus baby child, on the way of the furrow. At the point when Odysseus turned to abstain from murdering him, he was perceived as rational. Achilles with fault for weakness helpfully laid at the feet of his mom, Thetis was made to look like and live with the ladies. Odysseus deceived him with the draw of a sellers sack of knickknacks. The various ladies went after the adornments, however Achilles got the blade stuck in their middle. The Greek (Achaean) pioneers met up at Aulis where they anticipated Agamemnons order to head out. At the point when an extreme measure of time had passed and the breezes despite everything stayed troublesome, Agamemnon looked for the administrations of Calchas the diviner. Calchas disclosed to him that Artemis was furious with Agamemnon maybe on the grounds that he had guaranteed her his best sheep as a penance to the goddess, however when the opportunity arrived to forfeit a brilliant sheep, he had, rather, subbed a customary one and to pacify her, Agamemnon must forfeit his little girl Iphigenia .... Upon the passing of Iphigenia, the breezes got great and the armada set sail. Â Trojan War FAQs [Summary: The leader of the Greek powers was the pleased ruler Agamemnon. He had murdered his own little girl, Iphigenia, so as to pacify the goddess Artemis (elder sibling of Apollo, and one of the offspring of Zeus and Leto), who was irate with Agamemnon thus, had slowed down the Greek powers on the coast, at Aulis. So as to head out for Troy they required a positive breeze, however Artemis guaranteed the breezes would neglect to collaborate until Agamemnon had fulfilled her by playing out the necessary penance of his own girl. When Artemis was fulfilled, the Greeks set sail for Troy where to battle the Trojan War.] Agamemnon didn't remain in the great graces of both of the offspring of Leto for long. He before long acquired the anger of her child, Apollo. In vengeance, Apollo the mouse god made an episode of plague lay the soldiers low. Agamemnon and Achilles had gotten the young ladies Chryseis and Briseis as prizes of war or war ladies. Chryseis was the little girl of Chryses, who was a minister of Apollo. Chryses needed his little girl back and even offered a payment, however Agamemnon cannot. Calchas the diviner prompted Agamemnon on the association between his conduct toward the cleric of Apollo and the plague that was wrecking his military. Agamemnon needed to return Chryseis to the minister of Apollo on the off chance that he needed the plague to end. After much Greek anguish, Agamemnon consented to the proposal of Calchas the soothsayer, yet just on condition that he claim the war prize of Achilles Briseis as a substitution. A minor point to consider: When Agamemnon had relinquished his little girl Iphigenia, he hadnt required his kindred Greek blue-bloods to give him another girl. Nobody could stop Agamemnon. Achilles was angered. The respect of the pioneer of the Greeks, Agamemnon, had been soothed, yet shouldn't something be said about the respect of the best of the Greek saints Achilles? Following the directs of his own inner voice, Achilles could not participate anymore, so he pulled back his soldiers (the Myrmidons) and remained uninvolved. With the assistance of flighty divine beings, the Trojans started to dispense substantial individual harms on the Greeks, as Achilles and the Myrmidons remained uninvolved. Patroclus, Achilles companion (or sweetheart), convinced Achilles that his Myrmidons would have the effect in the fight, so Achilles let Patroclus accept his men just as Achilles individual defensive layer so Patroclus would have all the earmarks of being Achilles in the war zone. It worked, yet since Patroclus was not all that good a warrior as Achilles, Prince Hector, the honorable child of Trojan King Priam, struck Patroclus down. What even Patroclus words had neglected to do, Hector achieved. The passing of Patroclus prodded Achilles energetically and equipped with another shield fashioned by Hephaestus, the metal forger of the divine beings (act of goodwill some help for Achilles ocean goddess mother Thetis) Achilles went into fight. Achilles before long retaliated for himself. In the wake of killing Hector, he attached the body to the rear of his war chariot, The distress angered Achilles at that point hauled Hectors body through the sand and soil for a considerable length of time. In time, Achilles quieted down and restored the carcass of Hector to his lamenting dad. In a later fight, Achilles was murdered by a bolt to the one piece of his body Thetis had held when she had dunked the infant Achilles into the River Styx to give everlasting status. With Achilles demise, the Greeks lost their most noteworthy contender, yet they despite everything had their best weapon. [Summary: The best of the Greek saints Achilles was dead. The 10-year Trojan War, which had started when the Greeks set sail to recover Menelaus spouse, Helen, structure the Trojans, was at a stalemate.] Cunning Odysseus formulated an arrangement that at last destined the Trojans. Sending all the Greek ships away or into covering up, it appeared to the Trojans that the Greeks had surrendered. The Greeks left a splitting blessing before the dividers of the city of Troy. it was a monster wooden pony which seemed, by all accounts, to be a contribution to Athena a harmony offering. The happy Trojans hauled the immense, wheeled, wooden pony into their city to praise the finish of the 10 years of battling. Who Really Built the Trojan Horse?What Is the Trojan Horse? In any case, be careful with Greeks carrying a joyous bounty blessings! Having won the war, the filicidal King Agamemnon returned to his significant other for the prize he so lavishly merited. Ajax, who had missed out to Odysseus in the challenge for Achilles arms, went insane and murdered himself. Odysseus set out on the journey (Homer, as per custom, tells in The Odyssey, which is the continuation of The Iliad) that put him more on the map than his assistance with Troy. What's more, Aphrodites child, the Trojan saint Aeneas, set out from his consuming country conveying his dad on his shoulders on his approach to Dido, in Carthage, and, at long last, to the land that was to become Rome. Were Helen and Menelaus accommodated? As indicated by Odysseus they were, yet that is a piece of a future story.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Intoxicated Drivers Essays - Driving Under The Influence

Inebriated Drivers On 31 August 1997, Princess Diana passed on shockingly in a fender bender driven by a tipsy chauffer. Her demise was stunning on a few levels. It was vicious. It sent those she had contacted through her cause work into grief stricken grieving, and disheartened millions more who had never met her yet who had followed her disturbed and here and there inconvenient existence with the closeness that cutting edge VIP bears. This mishap would not have occurred if the driver was not inebriated by liquor. The ongoing figures from Statistics Canada show that there has been a half decrease from 1981 to 1996 in the quantity of Canadians being accused of alcoholic driving. There is a deep rooted distress for the family members of the lethal casualties; additionally, there are galactic expenses, and issues for recurrent wrongdoers. Flushed drivers cause more passings, wounds, and pulverization than all killers, muggers, attackers, and burglars joined. Like clockwork, somebody is murdered by an impeded driver. Like clockwork, somebody some place in Canada turns into a casualty to a weakened driver. Consistently, over 45% of all traffic fatalities include liquor. More than 1.700 Canadians bite the dust every year as the result of inebriated drivers. Countless dollars are spent yearly in court costs, restoration, lost income, human services, and social programs all in light of drinking driving mishaps. This cash comes straightforwardly out of the residents' pockets in duties and lost income. Transport Canada reports the base misfortune to society because of street mishaps including liquor as: $390,000 per deadly mishaps $310,000 per casualty $12,000 per injury mishaps $3,600 per harmed casualty Almost 30,000 Criminal Code permit suspensions were given in 1992 for drinking driving related charges. More than one-half (59%) were continue drinking driving offenses. Of all suspensions gave for disabled driving, 65% were given for a second or ensuing offense. Accidents happen more regularly in summer than winter. More than 66% of the accidents happen on ends of the week; one fourth of all accidents occurs on Saturday. Over 66% of drinking driving accidents occur somewhere in the range of 1800hrs and 0300hrs. Each forty-five minutes in Ontario, a driver is associated with a liquor related accident. The profiles of these culprits of this wrongdoing are 90% male in the 25-34 age classification. Individuals drink for some reasons. It is an approach to escape from weight and stress. Likewise, it is a alleviation from enthusiastic and budgetary issues. A few people are forced into drinking by their companions. Drinking is a social viewpoint. It is an acknowledged practice in the business world. A few answers for lessen drinking driving issues are to bring down the blood liquor content (BAC) for the Breathalyzer test. The legislature can build the suspension of licenses from a three-month time span to a more drawn out period, for example, one year. Recurrent guilty parties ought to get a prison sentence. In conclusion, our legislature ought to firmly build the training about liquor misuse and the outcomes of driving drunk

Friday, August 21, 2020

Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Globalization - Research Paper Example DJ Khaled is one of the Arabic rappers who raps in English. He has tunes with Lil Wayne, Rick Ross and Akon. Others resemble Super Saian Crew, Satam and Abady who are Arabs and rap well. Rap music is a mainstream music in the Arab world as a result of globalization and it has influenced the Arab culture and changed youthful Arab individuals. Exceptionally the mix of the Arabian and the English music has offered ascend to another class of music that is very not normal for the ordinary music in Arabia. This sort of music influences our way of life, particularly the youthful age who grow up with it and not with Arab culture. The youthful age is incited by this sort of music and they like it without question. This sort of music may let the individual to stand up. Individuals can say what they feel through this sort of music about environmental factors. They will compose their own words. Therefore this sort of music centers around the opportunity ofâ speech. It is better approach to expr essâ oneself musically. The expanded opportunity of articulation is both acceptable and terrible for the general public from numerous points of view. At times, individuals stand up a lot for the sake of opportunity that offends of others.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Banning Hijab in States Schools is Violating Human Rights - 825 Words

Banning Hijab in States Schools is Violating Human Rights (Essay Sample) Content: NameProfessorCourseDateBanning Hijab in States Schools is Violating Human Rights Islam is the 2nd largest religion after Christianity. The religion is growing day by day all over the world. In Columbia, the number of Muslim immigrants has increased over the years. In most cases, the rights of the Muslims have always contradicted to the international laws on human rights. The international laws are mostly silent when an issue involving the Islam religion rises. This paper will discuss how the banning of religious symbols in schools in Columbia will violate the human rights and international treaties that agree with the freedom of religion and private life. The paper will show how Columbia will violate the agreements if it bans the wearing of scarves by teachers and girls in schools. The issue of banning headscarves in most of the European states has been debatable for some years. To some citizens, they consider the ban as a symbol of oppression to the Islamic women in Europe. Others view the prohibition as a tool to give women equal rates, based on the democratic principle of equality and liberty. To the radical Muslims, the step is a way of stigmatizing the Muslims thus attacking their religion. Most of the European citizens view the headscarf as merely a religious dress code. Some sees the ban as a chance given to the feminist to sell their ideas on whether to wear the scarf or not. Some feminists have been fighting to be given the right to wear the scarf (Westerfield 638). The position of women in Islamic religion has been on the receiving end of every wrong and unfair move. The women in the Islamic faith face many challenges in their life such as being denied leadership positions. The banning of headscarves can be an advantage to them since it hides their identity. However, their faith does not allow them to be bare head; hence the ban on headscarves in schools interrupts their freedom of belief. The women should be protected from racial an d gender discrimination in Columbia not by banning the use of head scarves in schools but by establishing policies that aim at their protection. Columbia has a higher number of Christians than the Muslims. The wearing of headscarves enables the teachers to identify them. The law indicates that the wearing of religious symbols in a school does not mean that the students will be taught the specific religion by force; the law provides that the learners should study their religious studies of choice. Therefore, banning the headscarves should be a non-issue. The feminists state that the banning of the headscarves in schools violates the rights of women according to the Sharia law, which guides Muslims lives. The ban also violates the provision that every person has the freedom of privacy. Islamic fundamentalists are against the banning of headscarves since they consider it a failed way of fighting the war on terror. The wearing of headscarves by teachers and girls in schools is a manife station of their religious beliefs which they have a right to. However, the low number of girls in states schools in Columbia leads to the discrimination of the Muslim girls. The banning of the headscarves would make it impossible to detect the Muslims from non-Muslims resulting in fair treatment to all. The prohibition of the religious symbols can help balance the status of all the girls in the schools. The United Nations convention and declaration guarantees rights and freedoms to practice their faith. The first right is the freedom of thought and conscience. No government or law can choose what its citizens will think. You cannot limit what people think or want to believe in. The religious leaders are beaten and tortured but still maintain their beliefs. Thus the teachers and girls should have their right to think if the headscarves affect them in any way. The United Nations Convention also gives the freedom to manifest belief in religion. However, this provision has its limits as prescribed in Article 9 ECHR (European Court of Human Rights). As believers manifest their religious belief in public, the public safety should be a priority. One should make sure that they protect the public order, health, an...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Profile of General Motors Company - 1863 Words

Organization profile Introduction. General Motors is a company that designs and produces car and truck and car components, as well as Financial Services. General Motors Headquarter is in Detroit, Michigan. Currently GM employs 212,000 people. GM are engaged in the business to 157 countries around the world, and produces automobiles and trucks in 37 countries under such brands as Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Isuzu, Jie Fang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wulug. General Motors produced 9.489.000 vehicles. Company Revenue for 2012 is 150.276 billion dollars. (Wikipedia, 2013) History. GM is divided into five business segments, GM North America, GM Europe, GM International Operations, GM South America and GM Financial. General Motors was founded on September 16 in 1908 in Flint, Michigan, by William C. Durant, Charles Steward Mot, and Frederic L. Smith. When an enterprising William Durant bought several small companies to produce cars combining them into one called General Motors Company. Within two years it was purchased by about twenty of these small firms, and in the process the company has evolved into a corporation. Among other was bought for example, Cadillac. All of these purchases can be as successful, if not a but. As a result of these transactions Durant has amassed an incredible amount of debt and in dire need of another loan. However, the position of creditors was clear: loans for retired Duran. Back in 1905, it has attracted the attention of famous racing driverShow MoreRelatedSwot of Gm1431 Words   |  6 PagesSWOT Analysis of General Motor s Darien Connor MG352 10/03/2010 General Motors can trace it’s begins to 1908 the world largest automaker employing over 200K people in 157 countries. GM and its strategic partners produce cars and trucks in 31 countries, and sell and service these vehicles through the following brands: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, FAW, GMC, Daewoo, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling. 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Respect for the Individual reflects our desire to respect the unique character and ability of each individual person, trusting each other as equal partners

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Air Pollution And Its Effect On The Environment - 814 Words

Air is vital to our planet, life is simply impossible without it. Air pollution â€Å"refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of indoors or outside. A physical, biological or chemical alteration to the air in the atmosphere can be termed as pollution. It occurs when any harmful gases, dust, smoke enters into the atmosphere and makes it difficult for plants, animals and humans to survive as the air becomes dirty.† (Jacobson, 2017) Air pollution has introduced countless negative effects to humans and the local environment. This paper identifies the main air pollutants and its possible causes in my community, comparing air quality with nearby communities and finally, evaluate how to help improve the air quality in the community,†¦show more content†¦The lowest average exposure was found in the Eastern (8.2) and Hampton Roads (8.5) coastal regions. The highest average exposure was in the Northern region (9.3) which is near the metropolitan area. In particle p ollution for example, residents average exposure to fine particulates, particles of dust, soot, aerosols, and dust fine enough to be inhaled has decreased every year over the past decade and more. Lower than the United States average (9.5) and ranking 20th in the nation. Among peer states, Maryland (9.6), Tennessee (9.1), and North Carolina (8.7) all had higher average exposure levels in 2015. Wyoming (5.0) had the lowest in the US. Emissions of the most common air pollutants (referred to as criteria pollutants by the Clean Air Act and the EPA) have decreased markedly in recent years, with point sources such as power plants and factories accounting for a declining share of total emissions. In 2006, these permitted sources emitted a total of 489,000 tons of criteria pollutants statewide, which fell to a low of 202,000 tons in 2012 before increasing slightly to 222,000 tons by 2014. These changes track closely with the downsizing of manufacturing activity and general economic co nditions in the state. (Air Quality, 2017) To help improve the general air quality in my community, utilizing my existing skillset and interest. Planting trees or high oxygen producingShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment Essay1198 Words   |  5 PagesEnvironmental pollution will cause direct damage to the ecosystem and impact, such as desertification, forest destruction, water eutrophication, will also give ecological systems and human society caused by indirect harm, and sometimes this indirect environmental effects than the harm caused Of the direct harm is greater, more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects of air pollution. This environmental effect derived fromRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment749 Words   |  3 Pagesindustry that requires urgent attention is environmental pollution. Increased economic activity produces an increasing amount of waste that producers must dispose of. Of particular interest to policymakers are air pollutants, which are easily disposed of through pipes and vents by producers at a minimal cost. Air pollution has been shown to increase respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and increased cancer rates. Additionally, air pollution has substantially increased the amount of greenhouseRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment Essay755 Words   |  4 PagesBackground and Analysis Air pollution is the infiltration of chemicals or toxic molecules into the atmosphere. In the global context many countries including China, the United States, Mexico, and others are haunted by pollution in the air. However each has a certain degree of air pollution different from the other. Air pollution kills animals and plants by intoxicating our bodies with harmful bacteria and chemicals. Unless our bodies become immune or we learn to clear the pollution earth s ecosystemRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment Essay785 Words   |  4 PagesAir pollution can result from both human and natural actions. Natural events that pollute the air include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radioactivity. Pollution from natural occurrences is not very often. Human action include but not limited to industrial pollution, bush burning, biomass and many others. â€Å"Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agentRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment1198 Words   |  5 Pages Lichens are durable and can grow in harsh environments where there is little or no soil. Lichens can tolerate severe temperatures both hot and cold. Despite their durability lichen are not impervious, many are sensitive to air pollution because they are dependent on moisture from rain for growth. Smog is a common air pollution which is the result of the burning fuels like coal and gasoline which releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide into the air later turning in to acids when introduce withRead MoreAir Pollution And Its Effects On The Environment1210 Words   |  5 PagesAir pollution has become a huge dilemma in our environment. Pollution is caused by the toxic release of chemicals and pollutants; releasing pollutants into the atmosphere harm the planet and pose a threat to human lives. Some of these pollutants include Carbon Monoxide, lead, acid gases, and Nitrogen oxides. Most of these pollutants are caused by industrial factories and vehicle exhaust. Air pollution is a global battle and preventing it will only help decrease the existing damage. In China, airRead MoreAir Pollution And Its Effects On The Environment1613 Words   |  7 Pagesvarious exhaust gases today, a level of air pollution has significantly increased in the environment. The smog enveloping the city is the most visible and obvious sign of urban pollution. However, even invisible harmful particles can have a big impact on the quality of airspace. In general, any substance released into the environment and having an adverse effect, is an air pollution. Hazardous substances present in the air, not only affect the environment but to a greater extent on the person whoRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment1261 Words   |  6 Pagescovered by plastic, and people have already used most of our sources from 29% of the earth. Air pollution is also really bad right now especially in developing countries. They burn coal so much that the carbon dioxide amount in the air is too high. On the other hand, companies do not pay attention at all on the cleaning environment where people work; therefore, it causes a lot of people ill due to the dirty environment. People waste so many product and materials that they could recycle and use again, howeverRead MoreThe Effects Of Indoor Air Pollution On The Environment996 Words   |  4 PagesHumans, animals, and plants need air to survive, but how can they survive if the air that they breathe is polluted? Every cell in your body needs oxygen in order to live. The air that everyone breathes contains oxygen and other gases. Hazardous chemicals escape into the environment to pollute the air from numerous human activities. The ever growing combustion of fossil fuels in the last century is responsible for the biggest progressive change in the atmosphere. Despite the other numerous environmentalRead MoreThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment2797 Words   |  12 PagesThe typical public, particularly sick people with upper or inferior respiratory symptoms know that severe respiratory impacts can take place due to air pollution based on the information from the media. It is vital for the relevant specialists to possess present information of the probable health impacts as well as the manner in which they might influence their clients in order to instruct them adequately. In particular, the specialists in the field should meticulously know that both gaseous as well

Research Alternative Photographic Practitioner †Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Research Alternative Photographic Practitioner? Answer: Introducation The Brian Taylor is a famous alternative photographic artist. His most famous photograph is The art of getting lost. He used Gum Bichromate and Cyanotype printing process to produce this photograph (Persinger 2014). This alternative process creates a sense of tactile that by making the photographs by hand. This alternative practice allows the artists to get back to the pure analog world from the saturated digital world. Such alternative processes like palladium prints, Van Dyke Brown, wet collodions and daguerreotypes have brought a new direction to the photography realm. The new era has been experiencing resurgence in photographic practice and Brian Taylor is one of the significant alternative art practitioners. He successfully engages in creating a montage of 21st century and 19th century processes in order to develop innovative images of handmade quality ( 2017). He mainly uses Photoshop or other such modern imaging medium and historical process like gum printing in the creation process. He creates the negative with Epson printer and exposes the light sensitive materials to the sunlight. The art of getting lost is built upon several layers of emulsions which are brush applied. The alternative artists are working to reestablish the aura in their arts. They believe the aura had been lost by the coming of digital era. However, artists like Brian Taylor believes that the new technologies can be used with the combination of original techniques are capable of bringing back the aura. The aura is based upon the tactile quality and the resonance of personal touch that these alternative photographs of digital era offer (Robinson and Art 2015). The artist treats the print as the canvas or a piece of white paper on which the image will be created or developed. Then he coated the print with Cyanotype emulsion. The paper is created by contact printed negative which has been exposed to the sunlight for long time. The development turns the image in Prussian blue. Then again he coated the print with gouache pigment containing Gum solution (Anderson 2016). Then again it is exposed in the sunlight; this second exposure gets registered on the blue surface and brings a natural greenish tone. Then the third and fourth exposure for several days developed the final archival looking photograph. Brian Taylor was born in the land of Sonora desert and magical tales. He claims that the natural beauty of his birth place inspired him to use the bichromate landscapes (Taylor 2014). All the best art works of the world are created by human hand and this realization led him to choose the handmade techniques. The hunger for creating something haptic never changed even though his aesthetics changed over time. The texture with all its imperfections and flaws make the photographs almost alive. His search for eternal peace and tranquility has been portrayed in the wild landscapes of his The art of getting lost. The relationship of human and nature is explored with the combination of primitive and modern. The tactile pleasure of making a photograph by hand makes the alternative photographic process so unique and appealing References Anderson, C.Z., 2016.Gum Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual, Highlighting Artists and Their Creative Practice. Routledge. Brian, T., 2014. The Art of Getting Lost.Photography beyond techniques. (2017).The Art of Getting Lost : Brian Taylor. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Aug. 2017]. Persinger, T. ed., 2014.Photography Beyond Technique: Essays from F295 on the Informed Use of Alternative and Historical Photographic Processes. CRC Press. Robinson, A. and Art, F., 2015. A Critical Study into the Authenticity, Democracy and Nostalgia of Contemporary Photography in the Digital Age.Loughborough University.